Scared : Sacred

For so long my scared self lived outside my body
Searching, desperately, for an answer to the pain
In people, in things, in dreams, in hopes, in illusions
One day I asked my scared self to come home
I told her that she was safe and that I would hold her gently
She looked me in the eyes, a longing, searching gaze
A knowingness was shared between us
Like two parts of the same soul had finally seen each other
Then we began to tremble as our energies became one
The pain was agonising, almost unbearable
I felt so exposed, so entirely naked in my humanness
Yet strangely held by an energy that seemed to know me so well
Then the trembling began to cease
And a mesmerising warmth spread throughout my body
Just like the sun edging out from an almighty storm
My heart swelled with a love so pure I laughed out loud
I felt pure spontaneity, complete aliveness
I’d finally come home, home to me
My scared self was the portal to my sacred self.

Lion's Gate Portal

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