Lion's Gate Portal

I am writing to you this morning ahead of the incredible Lion's Gate Portal that is currently open and peaks on Tuesday, 8th August. 

The Lion's Gate Portal is a unique energetic opening to the spiritual world, where manifesting becomes super powerful.

It's a specific cosmic alignment of our solar sun with the star Sirius, which is said to be a sun from higher dimensions.

So when this alignment happens, suddenly it opens up access to a spiritual realm that is beyond the current solar system in which we live.

Of course, our soul knows this realm, but our physical manifestation in this human lifetime can forget, and we can become so overwhelmed with trying to meet the daily requirements of living that we can overlook our unbound spiritual potential.

This is one of the greatest tragedies of being alive:

Life gets so hard we have neither the time nor the energy to ponder and explore our spiritual selves and our innate potential.

The Lion’s Gate Portal amplifies our memory of and connection to our spiritual potency.

During this time, our entire planet will be imbued with inspirational energy ready for you to explore and upgrade your own frequency. This includes clearing that which you no longer need and bringing in new energy to help you to see, create and manifest that which you really want for your life.

Below are some ideas on how to connect with this incredible portal:

  1. Find some time when you can be in nature, by yourself. Really let yourself be transfixed by the incredible beauty of nature: how it is its own universe, how it exists without any need for human intervention, and how the communities of flora and fauna interact and coexist. 
  2. Find some time to be alone. Place your hands on your heart center and notice how your heart moves with the in-breath and the out-breath (with the flow of the universe)
  3. Write a list of everything you are ready to let go of. Burn this list and as you do let the energy release back into the universe to be alchemised into raw energy
  4. Write another list of everything you would like to bring into your life/manifest. Spend some time feeling into this list then fold it up and bury it in your garden (or somewhere else that feels fertile)
  5. Pick one or more people or pets who you love deeply. Describe to them your love in detail. Let your heart really feel as you do this. Tears may come, and that is beautiful. Please don’t hold back. Let your heart open.
  6. Finally, on Monday 7/8 spend some time looking at the stars before you go to bed, and then again on 8/8 and if possible 9/8. Allow yourself to sit in wonder as you really see the depth and breadth of our universe.

You are a spiritual being walking a human path. Trust me, I get how hard our human path can be. And, trust me again on this one, it is so much easier when we reconnect into the spiritual realm.

Enjoy exploring your unbound potential. 

Lion's Gate Portal

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