What is your double edged sword?

I hope you have been treating yourself with tenderness from the depth of your heart. 

It’s funny, as I sat down to write this, I had an email come through from a student who has done a couple of courses with me over the years. I was reflecting on how beautiful her soul is and how people like her, who care so deeply about other’s needs (and as such often put themselves last), are the people who weave the most love through our world.

And then I realised, every person I work with is like that! Not only do they care about others to the extent that they will forgo their own needs but they are the ones who want to be their best selves! The ones who want to heal to the degree that their presence in the world is even more outstanding, more empathic and more steady.

However, these characteristics are like a double edged sword: on the one hand they are an incredible gift you give to the world; on the other hand they will burn you out if you don’t learn how to manage and safeguard your own energy.

Self care is sacred. 

I’m going to write that again.

Self care is sacred.

Gosh it took me decades to understand this and I still fumble with it.

One of my favourite sayings (which I made up actually ) is ‘My enthusiasm tends to outrun my capacity’. 

Anyone who knows me well will nod and agree with that one. 

I can struggle with time as well - not because I am rude or disrespectful but literally because I always think I can fit more into an hour than I actually can. 

So is there anything wrong with this? Am I a bad person?

Nope, not at all. They are just parts of my personality that are both fabulous AND require management. 

We all have these types of characteristics: ones that are both fabulous and need managing. 

I wonder if you can think of characteristics you have that are your double edged swords? (Hint: all the best ones are ) And, I wonder if you can identify the way you see-saw through different thoughts and emotions around these characteristics? Ie, how do you feel on either side of the sword and what do you say to yourself on either side?

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