Beauty is in the depth of our greatest challenges

I hope your week has been beautiful. 

When I say beautiful I mean I hope that you have connected with yourself at the core of your being and you have supported your innermost needs with love and care.

I think beautiful can get confused sometimes with ease: that to enjoy our lives they need to be smooth sailing. 

I have pondered this in depth. For many years. What would our lives look like if they’d always been ‘smooth sailing’. 

This weekend feels like a watershed moment in my non-smooth sailing life. 

It’s my birthday on Monday 1 May and the birthday present I gave to myself was to book a cottage in the forrest and spend the weekend writing my book. 

This forrest is my resource. If you’ve done my Nervous System Regulation course (either in-studio or online) or you’ve worked one:one with me you’ll understand the importance and healing capacity of a resource. 

Our resource is a place we create (from reality or our imagination) where we can bring our nervous system back into a state that facilitates healing at the deepest level. It becomes our home base where, not only does our nervous system remember how to rest and touch our inspired soul-self, we can also alchemise our greatest challenges and heal our inner child. 

This forrest has been the place, in my mind and my heart, where I have been reunited with the parts of myself from which I cut off over the course of my life. When we have traumas that are unprocessed, because we weren’t supported or did not have the tools to work through them, then the only way we can manage meeting the practicalities of our lives again is to cut off from the part of us that experienced the trauma.

Nervous system dysregulation arises from unprocessed trauma. When you learn how to regulate your nervous system you heal unprocessed trauma. That’s why it’s so life changing. 

In healing we alchemise our trauma into embodied wisdom that guides us towards living the life we want to live, not the one we think we should live. 

Although I have had years of therapeutic training, everything I teach and practise is guided by my own embodied wisdom because this is true soul knowledge. 

Would I trade the years of challenges I have experienced for a smooth sailing ride? 

Nope. Not for a second. 

Every moment of hardship has taken me into recesses of my inner self that I would not have known existed without the guided tour that trauma gifted to me. And on the way back out of these recesses I developed character that has enabled me to live a life of which I am so proud.

I can honestly say that if I was to die today, I would have no regrets. I have lived. Outside in and inside out. I wish the same for you, wholeheartedly.

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